Metro Laundry Service, Bernard Young, President & CEO
Whether advising global Fortune 500 companies or smaller family-run enterprises such as ours, Vada and his associates have assisted us in refining our business and marketing strategies in a manner that is already paying dividends. In addition to developing a more focused business development road map and increasing our visibility, we have also realized some savings in our operational costs as we transition to a new, higher capacity facility in 2014. All of this translates into a competitive advantage for Metro Laundry Service!

OnBoard Experiential, Deb Murray Lemon, President & Partner
“The Manager Global Consulting Group were excellent strategists in assisting our client in securing the necessary permit to host the inaugural 2013 Nike Women Half Marathon in Washington DC. Based upon our excellent partnership, we have consulted them on behalf of our clients in other cities and Canada.”

“18 Immutable Laws of Corporate Reputation”, Ron Alsop, Wall Street Journal Books
“There is no such thing as a completely perfect supply chain with more than 850 factories in more than 50 countries, say Vada Manager, director of global issues management at Nike. “But we keep making improvements, and the on-line tour and other information on our Website have definitely improved our reputation and level of trust.”
Description of work by Nike Inc.’s team (with Vada O. Manager as key strategist) to manage issues of its outsourced product business model which was impacting the company’s corporate reputation. (pages 177-178)

Mike McCurry, former White House Press Secretary (PR Week Profile, March 22, 2004)
“..He is also incredibly smooth and solid in the middle of a crisis. I’ve never seen anyone handle mid-air turbulence better.”
Jim Carter, Nike’s [former] General Counsel (PR Week Profile, March 22, 2004)
“Vada’s thoughtfulness and insight always impresses me. Even without formal legal training, he recognizes and analyzes issues that have legal implications and he puts them in useful context.”

Michael P. Crowley, President, Oakland A’s (Letter: April 29, 2002)
“Thank you for your help regarding the law in Arizona for licensing state trainers. Since we talked, [redacted] of the Governor’s office helped us to get the law amended so that a trainer, in compliance with his state or national law, could work up to 120 days in the state of Arizona without being licensed. We now consider you a member of our team. As a token of our appreciation, I have enclosed a baseball autographed by the 2002 Oakland A’s.”